All copyrights and trademarks are acknowledged that are not specifically mentioned in this FAQ. This FAQ was created and being maintained currently by Richie Baker.
This includes being incorporated, reprinted, or otherwise used by magazines, books, guides, etc., in ANY way. This FAQ is NOT to be used for PROFITABLE or PROMOTIONAL purposes.
It can only be reproduced electronically. This FAQ is for private and personal use. They are all already unlocked and not all the arenas are in Unchained. All of the characters are unlocked from the start so the Krypt key chests in Konquest have different items then they normally would. I have written a seperate FAQ from Deception because Midway made some changes. I hope you enjoy the game and I hope my FAQ helps you through Konquest mode. I love the PSP system and what it can do and MKU is a perfect port of Deception and doesn't one bit disappoint. You may know me from my Syphon Filter: Dark Mirror, Syphon Filter: Logan's Shadow, and the Mortal Kombat: Unchained Fatality list. Thank You -INTRODUCTION- This is my fourth FAQ I have ever written. YES NO OR.2 -Koin Chests OR.3 -Additional Koins OR.4 -Krypt Keys OR.5 -Missions OR.6 -Kombat OR.7 -Training -Edenia- E.1 -Notes E.2 -Koin Chests E.3 -Additional Koins E.4 -Krypt Keys E.5 -Missions E.6 -Kombat E.7 -Training 8.