Produced by Matthew Burnett and Jordan Evans, 'Death & Taxes' is lead by plucking of the blues guitar, and that tradition's idea of a ballad. 'Surely my sins have found me out/ God rest my soul, but show me out/Surely my sins have found me out/ Spit on my grave, but kiss me now,' he opens the song, referencing scriptures while pleading for love. The stand-out track, 'Death & Taxes,' features Caesar battling with himself, and with God, for abandoning his faith.
As on his prior EP, Praise Break, Caesar's impassioned vocal clout on Paradise captures you instantly. His new EP, Pilgrim's Paradise, follows the now-20-year-old, R&B singer-songwriter facing the harsh reality that comes with the decision to leave familiarity in order to find one's self. Daniel Caesar is a Toronto-native who left his home while in the 11th grade, after a fight with his parents over faith. There's an uncertainty, unshakable at first sight, which comes with saving yourself from someone you love - that sliver of doubt about whether your choice was the right one.